Croston Conclave No 362 Host A Divisional Team Visit
Croston Conclave were pleased to receive the Deputy Intendant General, V Ill Kt Frederick Ernest Hargreaves, P G H Chan and the Divisional Team at their meeting on Wednesday, 2nd March 2016 at the Park Hall Hotel.

Ill Kt P Schofield, Ill Kt I H Scott and V Ill Kt R Crowder

ll Kt N Cooper Divisional Recorder, Ill Kt G Gill Divisional Marshal,
I Ill Kt R Pye Dep Divisional Marshal
The main business of the evening was to install as a Member of the Order, now Worthy Knight, E Comp John William Houghton. The Ceremony was conducted by the Most Puissant Sovereign, V Ill Kt Paul Hunter, P G H Chan, D Int Gen, North and East Lancashire, assisted by other Knights of the Conclave, in a ceremony that can only be described as excellent. The Oration was given by Ill Kt G N Brown, P G Chamb, who though small in stature, was a giant with the ritual.
Ill Kt R Dickinson Conclave Recorder,
Ill Kt D Atkinson Conclave Prefect and P Kt B K Cocken
Guard Secretary P Kt J P Nash, W Kt R Morris S G,
W Kt M Greenhalgh S G, P KT D Crowley Croston Conclave Dep Marshal
and Ill Kt W Ashton Croston Treasurer.
After the ceremony was complete the Deputy Intendant General went on to address the Conclave and introduced the many Divisional Officers present. He went on to congratulate those Members of the Croston Conclave who are to receive promotion in Grand Imperial Conclave on Tuesday 5th July 2016 in London.
The Candidate W Kt John Houghton with his Proposer P Kt F Cook
and Seconder W Kt Robert Norris
The Deputy I G V Ill Kt F E Hargreaves, M P S V Ill Kt P Hunter
and the I P MPS P Kt J Sarti
A very convivial Social Board followed with a very friendly atmosphere. In response to the toast to his health the Deputy Intendant General after congratulating the Most Puissant Sovereign for his work in the Conclave and congratulating and welcoming the Candidate, now W Kt. Houghton. V Ill Kt Hargreaves reminded the Worthy Knight of the Team Visits to come and the Diary Dates for the Division, expressing how important the support of all the Worthy Knights of the Division is to the success of the Division.

Above and Below Worthy Knights at Dinner

In response to the toast to the health of the Candidate W Kt Houghton stated that he had enjoyed the Installation ceremony which he found most interesting, and have almost 50 years in Craft Masonry was looking forward to a long career in Red Cross Masonry". He also thanked his Prosper and Seconder and the Members of Croston Conclave for the warmth of their welcome.
A very enjoyable evening all round, well done Croston Conclave!
Report and Photographs by P. Kt, Edwin Schofield, Div Eus.